Monday, May 10, 2010

1980 MOD Superwalk

80 0507 02
May 7, 1980

A well promoted March of Dimes Superwalk raised over $4,000. The City Police led the walkers from Farmers Furniture to downtown and out the Dublin Road. The crowd was widely dispersed as the walk ended.

Others that week: Nurses Week, softball, Nursing Home, Beta Sigma Phi at Sweat's, Laurianne Pullen won a bicycle from Woolworths for a client, Bo Whaley, TPS kids, B&PW officers, Soperton Clean-Up, Jenny Smith with a little broom promoting the Lions Club broom sale, and a rabbit half-swallowed by a rattlesnake, found by Bob Braddy near Tarrytown. He killed it by punching a sharp stick through its head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darlene Morrison Chester i remember the walk cause i walked it - i was a senior that year