Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Brooks Family

Hoyt and June forwarded an e-mail about some Soperton folks featured in the Mothers Day issue of the Gainesville Times. At the bottom of this post you will find the URL to reach the feature on the Times website.

The Brooks family helped to create the great community that Soperton was in the 60's and 70's. They were more than a ministerial team. They lived their Christianity. They led and taught by example. I remember Gene as a practical preacher, an Auburn engineer with a brilliant mind and great talent and versatility. No work was too high or too low for him. He fired the gun at every track meet in the days of Holliday and Berry. He provided Soperton Scenes for the newspaper and could crank out a perfect editorial in 20 minutes. His personal columns made Bahaia grass famous.
Ella, a good mother of three fine daughters, supported every aspect of the church, played organ, led choir, kept a household, and earned a degree to become one of the school's best teachers. (Just ask The Sign Man, who was a student way back when.)
Rebekah was one of June's well trained majorettes. Ruth did such a good report about the creation of Treutlen County that it became a part of a souvenir book of the Million Pines Festival. Lois, always sweet, has her story told in the Gainesville feature.
If you lived in Soperton during those two decades, you knew the family and they knew you. You will want to read the feature at:

I'm acquainted only to MacIntosh computers, and I would highlight and delete the address strip, copy and paste the URL line to the address strip ( Highlight the URL, type Apple key + C, mouse click on address strip, then type Apple key + V.) Then hit the return/enter key.

If one of you who is using a Windows computer would send me the "copy and paste" info I would love to pass it on to others who need it.

Posted by Bill Ricks of Soperton

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