Friday, March 5, 2010

Paperless Phone Book of 1960

Here's your paperless phone directory of 1960 - names and numbers only. Plant Telephone and Power Company created a new dial phone system. Originally the numbers were 'Jackson 9' plus the last 4 digits. Long distance callers had to use all seven JA9-1234, but by 1960 the 'JA9' was completely numerical '529'. Every number was a 529 and the next digit was either a 3 or a 4. 
Yellow pages were added with smaller ads than the old phone book, and more out-of-town businesses were advertised. Several phone company 'boiler plate' pages were included with such information as how to use a dial telephone.

Addendum: Mrs. Louise Hughes reminded me that in 1965 the calls were limited to 3 minutes. When time ran out, you had to call again.

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