Saturday, November 24, 2007

C. D. Williams at Alabama/Second St. S.

I had no idea, when I made the picture, the house would be gone so soon. It accompanied a picture in the newspaper's "Treutlen Scrapbook" of the C. D. Williams house when it was under construction in 1901, loaned by Mrs. Eva Crumpler. Bill Estroff and Morris Ricks bought the house about 1950 and converted it to apartments for new school teachers. The original single gable was replaced with the three dormers. The inside staircase was replaced by the outside one. After the Baptist Church bought the property, the building was sold and removed by Roeldon Moseley, and a bequest fROm Miss Jeanette Holmes financed the construction of the bus barn. For a while it was the popular boarding house of Mrs. George Ricks, relocating from the old Flanders house, on which PROPERTY the new Farm Bureau now stands.

Other pictures: Pilgrims?, Mrs. Smith's 1st grade Thanksgiving program at TPS, 4-H annual banquet, Jimmy Truett, Clayton Stephens and W. W. Kea at Sportsmen's Club, 4-H'ers who attended state rally, Velma Purvis' 67th birthday, Cancer Crusade leaders Kay Hall and Katherine McLendon, TES posters for American Education Week. Leotis Smith Jr. died in motorcycle accident, Mrs. Donnie Hackle injured. Pharis Jennings made a Social Studies display at TES on irrigation.

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