Sunday, May 23, 2010

Slideshow: Vietnam - First Cav - Preparation to Move South

Like Noah, we gathered up everybody, packed the wagons, and headed to the ark. Actually some of the C-130's that would transport all of our equipment from Camp Evans to Phouc Vinh. The entire First Cavalry Division, 20,000 strong, moved from I Corps to III Corps. Most of our people went down on troop ships.  I was airlifted as part of the advance detachment. This batch of slides was probably shot in September or early October 1968. The only thing I can remember to date it is that the World Series was playing on the radio at one of my stops. Seems that I went through batallion HQ south of Hue, Da Nang, possibly An Khe and Binh Hoa. 

Click on the slideshow to stop and look at larger images.

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